Trenance Chocolate
Mullion shop reopening February 4th 2025 at 10am

Refund & Return Policy

You may cancel your order before it has been dispatched for a full refund, we will email you once your order has left our premises, after that point it will be considered a return. If you wish to cancel your order pre-dispatch, please contact us by telephone (01326) 241499 at your soonest opportunity.

If you do not receive your items and our delivery tracking confirms, we will send a replacement or issue a refund on request. Please wait up to 7 days after your dispatch notification for delivery, before considering it potentially missing.

Trenance Chocolate takes care to ensure your order is dispatched in perfect condition, however if your item arrives damaged or you feel the quality is not up to our standard, you must advise us within 24 hours of delivery, by telephone or email of the issue. You must then return the offending items (at your cost) to us at which point a replacement or refund will be issued as requested.

Your statutory rights as a consumer applicable under UK regulations will be fully honoured. Please note that our goods are perishable in nature (eg. will melt in the sun if instructed to be delivered to a location not under cover), and as such have some exemptions under law.

A summary of business requirements for refunds and returns can be found on the UK Government website here.